Monday, November 07, 2016

Why I didn't bake or crochet anything today (Do-Vember #7) (UPDATE: Link fixed)

Did I mention that some of my Pinterest interest has to do with clothes? I don't exactly have a mood board, but I do have some pictures pinned of colours I like, boots I could imagine wearing, and so on.

I wasn't going to post any changes this winter to my Project 333 list, but a five-dollar trip to the thrift store made me re-think the plan for the next three months. Here it is. (LINK FIXED)

And now that that's settled, I will get back to searching through the more crafty, I-have-to-try-that side of Pinterest.

(If you want to know why we went back to the thrift store, Mr. Fixit decided to put a bid in for that old television set.)

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