Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Frugal finds and fixes for the finish of February

Time for another installment of Frugal Finds and Fixes!

Finds: French-style scarves from the thrift store, $2 each (also the t-shirt, same price)
A spring/summer dress, cotton with an embroidered hemline
Fixes: Most of our fixes lately have involved tidying things up. Our dining room china cabinet was a bit neglected and mish-mashy, so I emptied the shelves and refilled them with a special set of family china. When I've tried to do that before, I always got stuck because there are settings for twelve, and that many dishes looked overstuffed/overstacked. I kept it to eight this time, and stored the extra four in another cupboard. It just looks better.
A find which could become a fix: I found this cotton-knit dress at the thrift store. Its colour could be called "granite countertop," but I thought it had potential.  I don't know if you can see it in the photo, but it does have some stitching and shaping (not just a long t-shirt).
So here's the question: do I leave it as is, or cut it into a tunic?
(This is how it would look at a shorter length.)

What would you do?


  1. I love all your findings, and the China in the cabinet looks beautiful.
    How would you wear the top more?, are you in more need of tops or a full dress?

  2. I forgot to subscribe to the comments.

  3. I could go either way; a casual dress would be nice, but I don't want it to look like a wasteland of grey cement.
