Friday, December 01, 2017

Let's talk about holiday clothes (I am not Red Riding Hood)

Christmas clothes in my olden days
Christmas clothes now
"Are you going to be Red Riding Hood?" asked the thrift store cashier.

Umm, no...but it's December and this red, buttoned, fringed cape was trying to get my attention all during my volunteer shift. Hello, see me hanging over here? I'd look good with grey clothes, you know? I'm very festive! But warm too!

So when I was done sorting books, I tried on the cape, and bought it along with a navy scarf (photo) and a Frederick Buechner book.
You can always wrap a cape instead of buttoning it.

It will go with pretty much all my skirts and pants, and a couple of dresses, since they're mostly medium to dark grey (plus blue jeans). I won't bother with photos, because all you'd really see is the cape.

What else do I have to wear to church, to a concert, or to a not-too-fancy dinner out? (We are not anticipating "cocktail parties" or anything like that.)
Revolve Dress from Encircled, with a scarf and the heels I thrifted last week
The dress becomes a top to go with the maxi skirt from the thrift store. I would add some beads to this.
And I could add a grey poncho on top of that. Or make it grey dress pants or cords insead of the skirt.
The wine-coloured maxi skirt again, dressed down a little with a pullover and beads

Well, that was fun! And better than "The up-dated Peasant Look [that] features shape-keeping bonded acrylics." (Ghosts of Christmas past, for sure.)

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