Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Thrifted finds: the thick and the thin

Things I've found recently (not all in one day) at the thrift store:
Two necklaces
Four books: The Longing for Home, by Frederick Buechner; Proofiness, by Charles Seife (for Mr. Fixit); Fidelity, by Wendell Berry; and an oversized 1978 book about J.E.H. MacDonald, one of Canada's Group of Seven artists.
A new-in-plastic calendar for Lydia (she had been looking for one, and who else sells calendars in spring?)

After a couple of dumb thrifted clothes mis-buys recently (I somehow got the wrong size of leggings, even though the waistband said Xtra Small in giant letters: should have paid more attention), I have been cautious about what I say yes to. Besides, I have enough clothes to keep me going for awhile. But I did find a lightweight grey pullover that I'm really happy with. It was hiding out on the dress rack, but even on me it's a bit short to wear as a dress: it's better pulled up as a tunic or top. (Would have been great with the leggings, sigh.)
With a purple striped scarf, and pink earrings that Ponytails gave me for Christmas
With a grey and floral scarf, and a pair of Ten Thousand Villages earrings I've had for years
With the berry and grey scarf I bought last week, and a favourite pair of thrifted earrings. All three scarves are from the thrift store.

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