Friday, August 10, 2018

The Intentional Thrifter: Fall greys and Gathie Falk

I'm trying to use what I have to put together a fall wardrobe; but sometimes you need to buy things to fill in gaps. I do have a very warm grey cardigan from last winter, but this acrylic one isn't quite as heavy, and it has interesting side cutouts (less material to bunch up).
Another good basic: a grey cotton pullover.
Some recent book finds. Gathie Falk is a Canadian artist, and this is a nice coffee-table-type book about her and her work. Patches of Godlight is a Jan Karon Mitford go-with that I rarely see. The third book, The Violence of Organized Forgetting, got mixed reviews from readers, but I am going to check it out anyway.


  1. Patches of Godlight is a terrific go-to. Love the greys, too.

  2. I'm enjoying the book, although I'm having to work to decipher the handwriting. I think I need bifocals.
