Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Intentional Thrifter shops for parts

I bought four things at the thrift store this morning: a wooden organizer box, a set of four cloth placemats, and two personal-planner binders for a dollar apiece, just for their innards. Total, seven Canadian dollars (U.S.$5.42 right now).

Here is the box. Nothing special, just useful. 
Maybe for paper?
Maybe for hot pads? 
The lid could also be useful.
Here are the place mats.
One by itself would look nice with this strawberry plate.
One of the binders was six-ring, but the included paper fits my own planner perfectly. Also included: some Stephen R. Covey planning advice. Just a bonus.
 The other notebook had a special binding system with plastic buttons, so the paper doesn't work in a regular binder. But we did end up with a bunch of loose paper for grocery lists, Scrabble games, and phone messages. Also some sticky page markers.
I can't use these dividers and page protectors, but I'll leave them by the elevator in our building, where people share stuff like that.
And this small pile of stuff is going in the garbage. The pen didn't work, and I didn't need the other hardware and plastic inserts.
But I still got my money's worth.

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