Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Intentional Thrifter (and Yardsaler): Baskets and Brooches

Yesterday we stopped at one yard sale. I found two lidded baskets for a couple of dollars.
I cleaned them up a bit, and Mr. Fixit wrangled the bigger one back into shape (it was just warped enough not to close nicely).

The little one is keeping our fake-fall-flowers company.
And the big one is holding bread.

I found the brooch on the left at the same sale, for a dollar. The one on the right was thrifted awhile ago. I don't often pin a brooch on clothes, but I like stringing one on a chain as a necklace.
Consignment store find: one of those sweaters that doesn't look too exciting on the hanger, but which immediately makes itself at home in the closet like it's always been there.
It's already made friends with my flannel shirt and a necklace. (Still too hot for that here, but I'll put it on hold.)
Also this one, from the thrift store. Neither of the sweaters are lifetime-quality materials, but I'm hoping that if I treat them kindly they'll last for awhile.
(Thrifted scarf.)
Fall is coming!


  1. Anonymous12:55 pm

    Great idea about using a brooch for a necklace! I will have to try that as I was thinking I wanted a longer necklace for a few outfits I have.

  2. Hello, Anonymus! Try it out and have fun!
