Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Return of the Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

Joyce at From This Side of the Pond is reviving the Wednesday Hodgepodge this week. (Click on the image to jump over there.)

Here are this week's questions...answer on your own blog then hop back to Joyce's blog on Wednesday to add your link and share answers. 

1. Howdy Hodgepodgers. It's kind of fun to be back, isn't it?  Last time we met was September, 2018. Tell me something big-important-happy-or sad that's happened in your life since that date. Just one thing. We don't know how long this current isolation situation is going to last and we might need to dole out our news bit by bit.
Howdy back! We had moved from a house to an apartment in the spring of 2017, but last summer we moved again to a townhouse that gives us more room (and a garage, and no elevator shutdowns). "We" are my husband, myself, and youngest daughter.

2. Might as well get this out of the way early on...COVID-19. On a scale of 1-5 how serious are you about keeping your distance? Explain. fyi-I didn't create the scale but have seen it several places online. Also fyi-we won't only have virus related questions each week, but for this first one it feels right.

1-Not at all, living normally
2-Cautious but still going out
3-Going out as needed, mostly home or working from home, still seeing friends/family
4-Extremely limited, only going out when unavoidable, minimal contact with people
5-Full lockdown, no one in or out

Somewhere between 3 and 4. We are mostly home anyway, and the other things we do are cancelled. 

3. Raise your hand if you think you might run out of steam in the cooking department before it's all said and done? What's something delicious you've cooked or eaten in your own kitchen in the past week?

Chicken cacciatore in the slow cooker, one of our homemade freezer meals. 

4. What's a television show or movie you've seen recently (it could be an oldie) that you really liked?

Hold the Sunset, about an older couple whose marriage and travel plans keep getting put on hold by extended-family goofiness. It got some negative reviews from people who didn't think it was funny, but we liked it. How can a perfectly serious conversation between John Cleese and Peter Egan not be funny? Especially when it goes on despite a pair of legs hanging through the ceiling?

5. Share something funny you've seen or heard this week.

See #4.

6. Insert your own random thought here

Happy that the freezer compartment in our fridge here works way better than the one at the apartment did. It's one spot of reassurance.

Linked from the Wednesday Hodgepodge: We're Baaaack edition, at From This Side of the Pond.


  1. I love John Cleese. Everything he touches turns to gold.

  2. We like John Cleese too so might look for that one. I'm glad you're enjoying your new living situation. Stay well!

  3. It is important to have a good freezer right now and electricity!! I'll have to look for that movie. Congrats on your new space. Stay safe.

  4. Ellen B., it's actually a sitcom. Should have clarified that!

  5. I so enjoyed reading your post, such a joy to see how everyone is dealing with the pandemic! and of what they are doing. Congratulations on your new townhouse.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. I think the reality of everything didn't hit me until Sunday because I am a stay at home Mom so my life wasn't that different last week. This week things are closed so our routine is different.

    I like being home with my boys and it has been good so far.

  7. Personally, I find it hard to believe that John Cleese could have a serious conversation.
    Stay safe.

  8. WW, you'd have to watch it! In this series, Cleese is actually one of the saner characters.
