Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Intentional Thrifter: The Joke's On Me

 Thrifting has its unexpected side.

I bought this longer-style sort-of-stretchy white shirt yesterday, from the women's shirt rack. When I looked up the label, I found out it's from a men's collection! I should have guessed that from the buttons on the wrong side, but the sort-of-stretchy thing fooled me. Oh well, I won't tell if you won't. (Update: we also discovered that it was a you-paid-how-much?? shirt, so we're going to try to resell it. If nobody bites, I'll wear it.)

Yes, this is the Same Skirt I bought previously, from the Same Place, but three sizes smaller. So now I have a striped skirt that I altered, and a striped skirt that was that size to start with. One of them will probably get made into striped something else.

Remember this personal-size teapot and cup?
The same store had another one, for a dollar. Mr. Fixit thought I should get it so that everybody can have their favourite tea in their own
(Says someone who's wishing for the no-visits era to be ancient history.)

We also found a picture we had liked before, and it happened to be on its half-price day.
And two 1970's Glasbake pans, for $3 each.
Good heavy-duty stuff, and in great shape.

It was almost as good as a yard sale.

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