Wednesday, March 10, 2021

An Overly Hodgepodgeish Wednesday

 From this Side of the Pond

1. March 9th is National Get Over It Day...what's something you need to 'just get over already'? 

Do you want a serious answer, or not so much? I mean, there are things that are very difficult to get over, and rightfully so.

But on the less serious side...I've never been happy about the way they messed with Canadian Smarties twelve years ago, and made them all healthier colours and not so shiny. Some things should have stayed the same forever.

2. Something you're currently 'over the moon' about? 

Nothing huge. Small victories, small gratitudes. Warmer weather.

3. What's something you're 'chewing over' these days? (meaning-thinking over carefully)

Plutarch's Life of Pyrrhus.

4. The last thing you cooked or ate that was overdone? 

Well, when I make chocolate microwave cake in a mug (which we share between the two of us), I usually manage to give it a few seconds too long, so I should really remember that or write it down somewhere ("underdone is okay"). But Mr. Fixit says he likes the edges a little hard.

5. In celebration of hitting volume 411 in the weekly Hodgepodge, give us the 411 on something happening in your life in the next 30 days. 

Right now it seems wiser not to plan more than a few days ahead. Things change too quickly.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We were at an antique market on the weekend and found a framed print we both liked...and it was on sale, too, so we brought it home and hung it in our dining area. This is Falls, Montreal River, painted by J.E.H. MacDonald in 1920.

Linked from The Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.


  1. I sometimes CAN'T plan but for a few days at a time because I get overwhelmed but my husband loves it. We have many plans now: brewing with a friend on Friday, a show Sunday, and watching the NCAA tournament next weekend with an old friend of ours and his wife.
