Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Fetching Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1. Something you've labored over recently? 

A book revision!

2. How will you rest on Labor Day? 

That sounds funny! But no special plans yet.

3. Margaret Mead is quoted as saying, "I learned the value of hard work by working hard." Would you agree? Where and how did you learn the value of hard work? 

All the adults I grew up with worked hard, and if you were working with them they expected you to do the same, even if it was just fetching and carrying. But that didn't mean I never tried to get away with last-minute school projects.

4. It's National Eat Outside Day (August 31st). Will you? Do you enjoy dining 'al fresco' or prefer indoor seating? 

Indoor. Less fetching and carrying.

5. Somehow it's the end of August. What was the best day of the month for you and tell us what made it so? 

I'm not really sure! Mostly it was the little things that made it a good month, rather than any big one. Going to the Kitchener (Ontario) Blues Festival one night was a lot of fun.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The year goes by, the clock ticks, the pages are filling up. How am I going to finish that 2022 reading list I made almost a year ago?

Linked from The Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.


  1. Yes, I agree, time certainly flies! Good luck on your reading list. I didn't even make one this year.

    I don't really like eating outside either, although I never considered your reasoning. It made me chuckle a bit, in fact, especially when combined with your answer to the question about learning the value of hard work.

  2. I enjoyed your answers. I like the idea that it was little things that make a good month.
