Monday, May 25, 2009

Horsey Birthday Food

Photos from Crayons' party:

The tablecloths were deep pink sheets (not white, but the photo makes them look washed out). (We went looking for a plastic tablecloth, but the dollar store was closed. So you use what you have.)

Did we have a horse's head cake or other fancy creation? We did not--no offense to those who do take the trouble. We just went for green icing and sprinkles. There was one large cupcake at each place, with a candle to blow out; and a plateful of mini-sized ones for seconds.

There was also a star-shaped container of raw vegetables--horse treats. (The star-shaped dish came at Christmas with cookies inside it.) And a plastic pailful of apples.

I made Rice Krispie squares for "hay bales" and stacked them around a barn-and-animals toy (Crayons' birthday gift a few years ago). (The mere idea of Mama Squirrel making RK squares makes certain parties laugh uproariously, as she has made several less-than-successful attempts in the past. But these turned out fine.)

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