Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rhubarb, what to do with it

We've gotten quite a few Google hits this week for things to do with rhubarb, since we did post about it a few times over the past couple of springs.

You can make rhubarb pie.

You can make upside-down rhubarb muffins. There's an easier muffin recipe in Edna Staebler's last cookbook (she has a whole chapter of rhubarb recipes), and there's Coffeemamma's sour cream version.

You can make rhubarb jam.

You can make all kinds of fancy rhubarb things.

You can break off a piece, sprinkle salt on it, and eat it raw. Not my thing really, but some people like it.

But short of that, what's the easiest thing to do with rhubarb, especially if you're not a baker and/or you don't have time? Put it (the chopped-up stems--you do know not to eat the leaves, right?) in your microwave and cook it. The way we did it two years ago, or the even easier way I cooked it last night: a big glass measuring cup about half full of chopped rhubarb, a bit of brown sugar, and two spoonfuls of water which were entirely unnecessary. I keep having to remind myself that Rhubarb Makes Its Own Juice. I also added two spoonfuls of last summer's strawberry jam, and a grated apple, but those things are also unnecessary (nice, but just extras). Repeat after me: chop rhubarb, add a LITTLE sweetener, cover, and microwave until it's soft enough to eat. Take it out and stir it if you're not sure, and put it back in until it's done the way you like it.

No crust, no batter, no gluten, no dairy, no salt. Eat it over ice cream / frozen alternative, or just plain.


  1. I LOVE rhubarb! Mmmmm. Cooked with a little sugar is best, but I'll gladly eat it raw from the garden, rinsed under a hose. *grin*

  2. Strawberry Jam

    makes approximately 2-3 cups.

    500g Strawberries
    500g white sugar
    1/3 cup lemon juice

    Place a small saucer in the freezer, you'll use this later.

    Wash, hull, and halve strawberries.

    Place sugar, strawberries, and lemon juice in large wide-based sauce pan, such as a stock pot. Dissolve the sugar over a medium heat, and then bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes or until the temperature reaches 104°C on a candy thermometer. Be sure to skim off the foam with a metal spoon while the jam is simmering.

    At around 15-20 minutes place a small spoonful of jam on the cold saucer and run your finger through it. A line should remain, if it doesn't cook jam for a further 5 minutes and test again. Once cooked carefully pour jam into hot, sterilised jars. Store in the refrigerator.
