Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What's been happening in the Treehouse? Rummage sales and thrift shops

It's harder these days to even find rummage sales around here. Because who puts ads in the paper these days? And the shopper paper has gone to a mostly-blab format with only a page or so of classified ads. Some sale notices go onto Kijiji, so I do check there; but it seems harder in general to know when the good ones are happening.

Anyway, we did go to one, but mostly found just books--not that that's a bad thing. A whole stack of Penguin Classics: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Sir Thomas Malory, Chaucer, Tolstoy, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. And a few came home this weekend from the library sale shelf as well. Crayons has been busy working her way through those.

As for thrift shops: Ponytails and Mama Squirrel are on the brink of a new adventure in volunteering. More on that one later.

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