Tuesday, March 01, 2011

What's been happening in the Treehouse?: School Plans

Usually I have written out a daily schedule for each girl, for a month at a time, based on where we need to be by the end of the month.  But as always happens, some things you get ahead in and some things you get behind.  This month I'm planning more by the week, and we'll see how that goes.

The notes are deliberately rough--they're at the kind of "maybe" stage that such plans usually take on before you get really doing them.


This month’s composer studies:  Edward Elgar--later works

This month’s picture studies:  Woldemar Neufeld

This month’s nature studies:  TBA

This month’s hymns and folk songs:
Review:  Christian Dost Thou See Them; All My Hope on God is Founded
New:  Tell me the story of Jesus; At Calvary (need links to music)

This month’s art and craft activities:
Homemade cornstarch clay/bread dough clay/Sculpey
Crocheting (doll vest, hat)
Ponytails: Sewing group during March Break

Sugar study / maple syrup
Edith Schaeffer on writing and on reading together

Other planned activities:

Preparing for Easter
Possible field trip:  syrup museum
Games:  Quiddler, ?
St. Patrick’s Day
Homeschool drama performance


It Couldn't Just Happen, by Richards (week’s chapter):  Family Tree
Week’s poetry:
Week’s Latin:  Finish lesson 7 (review & quiz), start lesson 8
Week’s French:  Zoo study
These Happy Golden Years:  13-18
Marva Collins' Way:  5, 6
Week’s Age of Fable, by Bulfinch:  18, 19, 20

Continue Christian studies and lit  
Continue math and science
Week’s history:  Story of the World Volume 4 by Susan Wise Bauer, chapter 26; Canadian history
Continue composition and grammar

Week’s math:  p 60-64, geometry
Week’s English:  Alpha Omega 149-155, copywork based on those spelling rules
Week’s science:  Physics Lab in the Home, chapter 1: Plumbing.  Science Alphabet A-E.
Crusoe:  pages 106-121
Week’s history:  George Washington's World by Genevieve Foster, pages 209-211, 212-215, 215-216; timeline book
Bible lessons

Monday, Feb 28

Picture study

Tuesday, March 1

Ponytails:  Whatever Happened to Justice:  Instability chapter

Homemaking: Writing

Wednesday, March 2  (afternoon appt.)

Ponytails: Foster: Golden Eagles Come Home

Thursday, March 3

Jack & Jill 15
Homemaking: Writing

Friday,  March 4

Ponytails: Foster: Out of Persia

Shakespeare:  Macbeth

WEEK TWO (3 days)

Richards (week’s chapter):  Amazing & Wonderful
Week’s poetry:
Week’s Latin:  Finish lesson 8 (quiz)
Week’s French:  Finish lesson 7
Finish chapter from The Fearless Treasure by Noel Streatfeild (London Town)
Happy Golden Years:  19, 20
Marva Collins:  7
Week’s Bulfinch:  21

Continue Christian studies and literature
Continue math and science
Week’s history:  Bauer 27, Canadian history
Continue composition and grammar
Work on French with Mom

Week’s math:  p 65-68
Week’s English:  Alpha Omega p 155-157; copywork
Week’s science:  Physics Lab chapter 2: Faucets & Pipes.  Alphabet F, G, H.
Crusoe:  pages 121-126
Week’s history:  GW’s World 217-218
Bible lessons

Monday, March 7

Tuesday, March 8  (Shrove Tuesday)

Hidden Art of Homemaking:  “Drama”

Ponytails:  Justice:  Democracy & the Constitution

Wednesday, March 9   (Ash Wednesday)

Ponytails:  Foster:  We Still Call it Sunday

Thursday, March 10:  EXAMS

Friday, March 11:  EXAMS

SPRING BREAK: March 14-18


Richards (week’s chapter):  In God’s Image
Week’s poetry:
Week’s Latin:  Do Lesson 9, including quiz
Week’s French:  Start Lesson 8
Happy Golden Years:  21-25
Marva Collins:  8, 9
Week’s Bulfinch:  22, 23

Continue Christian studies and literature
Continue math and science
Week’s history:  Bauer 28, Canadian history
Continue composition and grammar

Week’s math:  p 69-74, geometry
Week’s English:  Alpha Omega p 157-161; copywork
Week’s science:  Physics Lab chapter 3:  Water Seeks its Own Level.  Alphabet I-L.
Crusoe: pages 126-143
Week’s history:  GW’s World 219-220, 220, 221, 222
Bible lessons

Monday, March 21


Tuesday, March 22

Homemaking: “Drama”

Ponytails:  Justice:  The Constitution

Wednesday, March 23

Ponytails:  Foster:  Herod & the Temple

Thursday, March 24

Homemaking: practical skills / Sugar Study

Jack & Jill 16

Friday, March 25

Ponytails:  Foster:  Hillel

Shakespeare:  Macbeth


Richards (week’s chapter):  A Sure Word
Week’s poetry:
Week’s Latin:  Start lesson 10; finish if possible
Week’s French:  Finish lesson 8
Happy Golden Years:  26-end
Marva Collins:  10, 11
Week’s Bulfinch:  24, 25, 26

Continue Christian studies and literature
Continue math and science
Week’s history:  Bauer 29, Canadian history
Continue composition and grammar

Week’s math:  p75, 76, chapter test; geometry
Week’s English:  Alpha Omega p 161-168; copywork
Week’s Science:  Phys Lab chapter 4 & 5:  Surface Tension, Hot & Cold.  Alphabet M-P.
Crusoe:  pages 144-161
Week’s history:  GW’s World 223-225, 226-228, 229-230
Bible lessons

Monday, March 28
Tuesday, March 29

Homemaking:  practical skills / Sugar Study

Ponytails:  Justice:  Competing for Privilege

Wednesday, March 30  (afternoon volunteering)

Ponytails:  Foster:  Law of Moses

Thursday, March 31

Homemaking: practical skills / Sugar Study

Jack & Jill 17

Friday, April 1

Shakespeare:  Macbeth

1 comment:

  1. Looks marvelous! So jealous of your craftiness!
