Sunday, September 07, 2014

Lydia's Grade Eight: Looking at the week to come (how we do things)

The second week of school.   In some ways it usually goes better than the first week, because you know the whole thing's not going to come crashing down.

Someone asked me this morning if I have to do a lot of planning for our homeschool.  I said I got a lot of pre-planning done during the summer, but that I still have to keep on top of what we're doing. So what does that mean for this week?  What's the thought process?

Working together:

Calendar of current events

Science with Dad:  experiment from last week.

Read Whatever Happened to Justice, chapter 2, A Higher Authority

Reading Together: Daughter of Time, chapter 4

Listen to Wagner's Sigfried Idyll

Go over math and grammar as necessary.  Discuss literature or other books; narrate whatever needs to be narrated.

Read Charlotte Mason's Ourselves Book II, abut the function of conscience

French Smart 7--review work from last year, especially on verbs

Read Marshall's History of English Literature,  chapter 36: The Renaissance, which is mostly a history lesson about Constantinople, and that would be quite uninteresting except that it explains why so many Greek scholars ended up in Italy at the end of the Middle Ages, thereby helping to set off the Italian Renaissance.

Math and grammar.

Read Exploring the World Around You, chapter 1: Building on the Right Foundation. Discuss the belief that "struggle and death are normal...have been going on for millions of years..are what made life evolve into all the forms we see today."

Go over math and grammar as necessary. Discuss literature or other books; narrate whatever needs to be narrated.

Calendar of current events

Read Whatever Happened to Justice, chapter 3, A Higher Law  "If Higher Authority has given us a Higher Law, how do we know what this Law is?"

French Smart 7--review work from last year, especially on verbs

Reading Together: Daughter of Time, chapter 5

Math and grammar. Discuss literature or other books; narrate whatever needs to be narrated.

Read Plutarch's Life of Marcus Crassus, lesson 2

French Smart 7--review work from last year, looking ahead to the next unit

If time:  Daughter of Time, chapter 6.

Math and grammar.  Discuss literature or other books; narrate whatever needs to be narrated.

Independent work:

Bible readings, throughout the week

The Bible Through the Ages:  10 pages/wk: Abraham; Storytelling (the oral tradition)

The Twelve Teas of Friendship:  pages 12-13, The Art of Finding Friends.  "Your next best friend might be someone you don't expect."

History of England by H.O. Arnold-Forster.  Finish chapter 35: Henry VII.

The Golden Book of the Renaissance,  pages 21-35

Read Mythology by Edith Hamilton, ten pages/week

Read Kingsley's Westward Ho!: chapters 3, 4, and 5, to the bottom of page 107.

Poetry: read The Roar on the Other Side, Chapter One, and do the writing exercise on page 18, Orange You Glad.

Grammar and Composition:  Easy Grammar Plus (workbook), pages 148-154.  Interjections; Conjunctions; begin Adjectives.  What are limiting adjectives?

Read Exploring Creation Through Physical Science,  Module 1: The Basics
o Read to page 10 up to Manipulating Units.
o In your lab book, draw a picture like the one in Fig.1.2.and write the notation on your drawing.
o Read pages 10-15

Keeping a Nature Journal, read page 35 "Draw and Write." Spend time outdoors and make entries in your nature journal

Read Kon Tiki: Edition for Young People, Chapter 3: To South America.  Answer study questions.

Mathematics:  Balance Benders Level 3: do two per week

Mathematics: A Human Endeavor.  Chapter One, Mathematical ways of thinking
Lesson Two
o More billiard ball mathematics, Set I
o More billiard ball mathematics, Set II, Questions 1-10
Lesson Three
o Inductive reasoning: introduction.
o Inductive reasoning: finding and extending patterns.  Set I, Questions 1-15

Be a Girl Guide Challenge
o  Know two different hitches for tying ropes to objects: clove hitch, round turn and two half hitches.  Which one is better for tying up a horse?
o Make notes in your Enquire Within notebook.
Horse cartoon found here.

Commonplace Books, Copywork, and Recitations (Memory Work)
o Copy passages from poetry, plays, and other books read
o Practice Scripture passage(s):
o Practice poem(s):
o Other memory work:

o Oral narrations of readings
o Reader's Journal: one page, twice a week, on any of your readings
o Keep Book of Centuries and/or other notebooks handy as you read or listen; make entries at the end
o Other kinds of narrations: dramatic, musical, artistic...

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