Saturday, September 06, 2014

Saturday Rummage Sale

Every September, the weekend after school starts, one nearby church has a rummage sale.  We've gone nearly every year that I can remember, including six years ago when Mr. Fixit had just gotten out of the hospital.  It's almost always worthwhile, and this year's was even better: they had a whole room just for books.  Somebody, I'm guessing either a retired teacher or just a history nut, had donated boxes of mid-century textbooks, teachers' guides, and other books of about the same vintage..  I would have liked to spend more time there, but we had to get groceries too.

So this is what came home:

Two big books of mostly pictures, one about the Renaissance and one with a variety of history pictures (the sort that Alan Grant might have liked?). A vintage school copy of The Merchant of Venice, a bit marked up with student notes.  And  a Sunday School prize book which is kind of neat because not only does it have a 1932 inscription on the flyleaf, it still has a sticker inside from a bookstore that was here in town at that time.

Two books for the Scholastic shelf; an older hardcover of Treasures of the Snow; and Roland Bainton's biography, fairly beat-up, of Martin Luther.

Ponytails picked these out for herself: Shakespeare's comedies, and a vintage copy of The 39 Steps.

We also found a pie plate, a little casserole dish, and a made-in-Japan bowl that I liked for its floral design (it's the colours of our kitchen), even though it has a chip in it.  Lydia found a coin sorter.

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