Friday, August 19, 2016

Oldest and newest?

What's the oldest thing in your closet? What's the newest?
Besides some jewelry, the only remnant of my school years is this scarf, which I hadn't worn for ages (a Woolite bath revived it). It's painted silk, from a street artist who was selling them in Montreal in 1984. I was working at a camp north of there, and between the two halves of camp, some of the staff spent a couple of days in the city. This was my souvenir.  (I'm not making a face on purpose, it's just hard to take selfies and not look the wrong way.)

The newest is a plaid shirt that I found this morning at a consignment store (the same one where I've found several other good things, especially at their end-of-season sales). I was very happy to find it, and even happier that it fit.

How about you?

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