Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday yard saling: baskets and roosters

Today's yard saling finds: a basket divided into sections (maybe good for napkins or towels)...
And a set of three wooden canisters with roosters.
I already have some rooster things: china measuring cups, and a spoon holder. The spoon holder came from my great-grandmother's house.
I put the canisters and a couple of the china pieces on the back of the stove.
One person's excess is another person's rooster collection.

P.S.: I know, stoves, fire safety, all that. I will probably move the canisters somewhere else tomorrow, but for now I just liked the way they lined up.


  1. I like chickens too. I have the same measuring cups. They were my moms. She has been married 52 years, and I have been married 34, so they are getting on up there. Love to see your finds

  2. I have had my cups a long time, probably about twenty years, so even for me they are starting to have a history!
