Monday, November 14, 2016

Short Project 333 update: Barely started, already some changes

Have I ever mentioned that I like thrift stores? Our local store lately has been a treasure trove of good stuff. We have been there more frequently than usual for us, three times in the last two weeks to check on the status of that T.V. Mr. Fixit wanted; and I keep finding things. Today's treasure was an oversized deep grey shirt (photo above), that makes me think of kimonos. I also found a pair of grey jeans, and a light blue crinkle-cotton scarf that bled blue dye all over the towel when I gave it a quick handwashing.  (It was an old towel, luckily.)  (I also found some Christmas pinecone crafting stuff that I'll post about another time.)

Occasionally I do buy new clothes from a "real" store, although that seems to be getting rarer. The scarf in the photo was made by a co-operative in India and sold at Ten Thousand Villages. I have a couple of t-shirts coming soon, from a Canadian chain that often has basics in beautiful colours. But that's it for the next while. And yes, I realize that bringing these extra things home is going to change this season's Project 333 into more of a Project 339. But that's okay.

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