Monday, November 14, 2016

What's for supper? Almost-free minestrone

Tonight's supper menu: Homemade minestrone soup, with English muffins and whatever you wanted to put on the English muffins (Lydia turned hers into a fried-egg muffin). The soup was "almost-free" because I used up several small containers of leftover pasta sauce and beans that had accumulated in the freezer, along with a box of chicken broth, a bit of frozen spinach, a bit of pasta, and a few mushrooms.

(When you're cooking for two or three, it's hard not to have those leftover half-cans of sauce, beans and other things. One way to deal with them is to put everything in freezer bags ahead of time--make six bags of spaghetti sauce or whatever, and you won't have any stray tomato sauce. Another way is what I just did: use little lunch-sized plastic tubs to collect up the bits and pieces, and then thaw them all out at once when you want to make soup.)

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