Can a lipstick sample inspire a wardrobe? She thinks so.

"Transcending," available from 12 Blueprints
Her second inspiration was a recent Vivienne Files story, with lots of grey and pink. She's taking a temporary break from teal.
And the third was a new totebag; actually a set of bags, since the small one can go inside the large one. (Ordered during the closing-soon sales of a clothing store.) In the world of the Vivienne Files, this might be called a Tote Bag Travel story.
Part One
She wished she could go travelling.
Well, that was the least of it. She wished she could go to the art gallery. She wished she could go to the library. She wished she could go to the hardware store.
But thinking about travelling was more fun. A romantic winter getaway somewhere would be lovely, even in the cold. And she's not fond of cold, so that's saying something. So when she saw the photos with all the pink, she thought she would put together a similar "week romantique." No, that's not the French word for week, but at least it rhymes.
She doesn't have a boiled-wool coat, but she has a fleece cardigan that would work, in a staying-warm-indoors way. She doesn't have a pink turtleneck sweater, but she has an orchid-purple cowlneck. She has some grey pants, and ankle boots, and her tote bag (plus its baby), and even a brooch. So her "travel outfit" is not that far from the one in the original.
Next step: gathering up something close to the clothes, scarves, and extra purse that were shown in the "In the Bag" photo.
There are a couple of differences. The main one is that she didn't have anything exactly like the dressy cranberry blouse shown, but she did have a) a magenta cowlneck tunic and b) a deep pink jersey dress . So she included them both. If she needed something that fancy she could wear the dress by itself; and if she wanted more of a pants outfit, she'd wear the tunic top.
The other difference in the photo (from that in the
Vivienne Files story) is that there are no shoes or jewelry shown here. Shoes right now are kind of a moot point (snow boots or slippers, mostly); but if they were really going to a hotel or somewhere like that, she'd come up with a pair to wear with the dresses. Her closest-matching pieces of jewelry are shown in the photos below.
She doesn't have any pink socks, but she does have grey ones, and some stripes and polka dots. And she'd definitely be packing dark tights.
She loves picking out scarves to match. This one is a no-brainer:
Northern Reflections, Poetic Nature Foliage
She includes a woven muffler, and a couple of these pashmina-type scarves:
(But she might have to trim down a bit if she were really packing just a tote bag.)
Part Two
So, okay, she admits she's not going anywhere. That doesn't mean she can't live out of her "boutique romantique" for more of an extended stay. (That's a better rhyme.) She and her spouse are already planning some fun things around Valentine's Day, like making deep-dish pizza, and maybe going for more trail walks than they've been able to do in too-icy January. But there will still be a couple more weeks of February after that...and she'll need more than ten items of clothing, right?
So far she has:
Two grey cardigans
Grey turtleneck top
Grey cords
Grey pull-on pants
Orchid-pink shirt
Orchid-purple cowlneck sweater
Magenta tunic
Grey Revolve dress from Encircled (which can be pulled up to be a top or a tunic)
Deep pink jersey dress
She adds the same four navy and denim things she wore in January, plus a pair of blue jeans. (15 items)
Jean-style Tencel shirt
Navy zippered fleece jacket (or blazer)
Navy pullover sweater/sweatshirt
Navy knit pants
Blue jeans
What she's really short on, though, are tops, so she adds three. (18 items)
Off-white long-sleeved t-shirt
Dark pink tank top
Grey and black striped long-sleeved t-shirt (a bit worn, but it will do until the thrift stores reopen and she can look for a replacement)
And that leaves her with three wildcard spots:
A pair of dark grey/taupe leggings her daughter bought but they turned out to be too small so she gave them to her mom
A blue pullover sweater, when she gets tired of all things pink
And a grey short-sleeved t-shirt, because it's handy for layering.
21 pieces = a month to be happy. (Did you think I was going to say pink?)
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