Monday, September 09, 2024

Frugal is as frugal does

Last week Mr. Fixit and I had a whole afternoon of errands, and at the end of it we found ourselves near a  mundane-looking Chinese restaurant, the kind that does mostly takeout. However, it was handy, and we were hungry, so we got their dinner for two, which turned out to be egg rolls, lemon chicken, chow mein, a whole pile of wontons, and some better-than-average fried rice. I am not a fan of fried rice when its other major ingredient is frozen mixed corn and peas, and even lima beans (heaven help us), but this was not one of those places, thankfully. There was enough left over for lunch the next day, plus a bit of extra fried rice to boost that night's supper. Sometimes getting a meal out is just the right thing at the right time.

As an update on the bag of frozen squash, I cooked it up for dinner one night; we ate part of it, and I pureed the rest to make twenty-four mini muffins. And one supersized one because there was too much batter. We still haven't tried the grains-and-lentil mixture, but probably the next time we have a tortilla meal.

I cleaned out my closet for the fall/winter. It wasn't in terrible shape, as I've tried to keep things minimal, or at least reasonable; but lately I had thrifted a few new things, and even been given some free stuff, so (to my mind) it kind of felt like the clothes were taking over, and anyway it was time to put my shorts and sandals away, so I did a pull-out and put-back, and weeded out a few things that were not going back in at all. 
I wasn't able to use all of the free clothes, but I did keep a couple of useful pullovers and a navy top. I also found a couple of things I liked from last fall that had gotten pushed to the back, including a green fleece-lined jacket I'd forgotten I'd thrifted, so that made me feel like I had something new to wear! Just neatening things up can be all you need.
I  put some of the most-likely-to-match-things scarves front and centre.
And, finally, we dropped in at a thrift store where we had a filled-in loyalty card, so I got some already-cheap but now almost-free jewelry to jazz things up. I've already worn the turquoise necklace several times.
Tonight's frugal meal is Greek Spaghetti, made with a half-price package of ground beef, canned tomatoes, and a few seasonings. I might make some garlic bread to go with it, and we have some of those muffins.

That's all!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Generally Frugal, A Few Updates

I'm trying to get back into posting more of our "generally frugal" lifestyle stuff, rather than just the thrifted clothes stories I've mostly done for the past while. So what is there to share? I could say something about our stop this morning at the closest supermarket, which gave us some discounted banana bread and mini muffins (handy to freeze for company), but also a small tray of cut-price beef cubes, which Mr. Fixit turned into an astonishingly good Slow Cooker Goulash. We included some of those red peppers we froze last week, and served it with a just-enough-left container of sour cream.

I could also write something about a couple of odd put-together leftover meals we've had lately, but I'll spare you the details. To misquote Milo in Bloom County, it's food and we're gonna eat it.

But if I'm allowed to talk about thrifting and clothes, there is a Providential side to finding used stuff that I've seen so many times, and I think I'm finally getting smart enough to realize, first, that it's no accident, and second, that I shouldn't try to outjump God on these things by buying something new, or even something used but more expensive than I really want to pay. Because, so often, there it is right in the thrift store, or at the yard sale, that thing I was looking for, or at least a reasonable version of it. Thrifting patience, unlike Slow Cooker Goulash, is a dish best served cold.

On a weekend trip to the outdoor antiques market, I had been looking at a 1980's white short-sleeved blouse with a lot of pearl embellishments. It kind of reminded me of the crazy big shirts we wore during university (think the Brat Pack fashion era). It also reminded me a bit of my wedding veil, which was pearl-bead-embellished. Anyway, the nostalgia vibes were strong, but I know for one thing that a shirt covered with pearls would be a bear to wash and take care of, not to mention looking a bit out-there. It was also more expensive than I really wanted to pay for a crazy big shirt, so I left it in the booth. But the idea of a fancy-ish white blouse was still playing in my head. Today we were at Mission Thrift, and I found a white short-sleeved blouse, German-labelled, probably somewhat vintage. Instead of pearls, it's decorated with a lot of little stretchy pleats, kind of like grownup smocking. Also, it was quite a bit cheaper. So: sometimes you have to say no, and then let the better choice come along.

Also, I was looking at a clothing store online that is asking a breath-sucking amount of money for solid-coloured jersey midi skirts. I kind of liked the dark blue one, and I could imagine it working with some of my fall sweaters; but there was no way I was going to pay that much for one skirt.

So, on the same trip to Mission Thrift, there it was, a longer, dark blue, jersey skirt. This one, I think, was homemade; it has no labels at all, and the seams appear to have been done with a serger. But you know what? I have the feeling that if I bought a jersey skirt online, it probably wouldn't end up being any better quality, or fitting any better. So how weird is that, especially when the skirt rack is not usually my main stop at the thrift store, but for some reason I just thought I would take a few extra minutes on the crazy off-chance that there could be something close to what I was looking for. Actually, if there hadn't been anything with the skirts, I had also thought of scavenging the dress rack there--I've made skirts from dresses before, and it's often not as hard as you'd think. But in this case, I didn't even need to do that, because somebody went ahead and made the skirt I was looking for, and then donated it to the thrift store.

Which makes me both shake my head, and nod it with an "uh huh, I thought that's how it might turn out."

1930's Carltonware Buttercup dish, which I did buy at the antiques market.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Grain Gain: Another pantry post this week

One of our local supermarkets has been reorganizing, and they put a bunch of odd (mostly organic and health-food) items on a clearance table. We picked up some fancy packages of tea, snacks, and rice, all for half price. 

This is organic arborio rice, which is lovely, but not something we use a lot. 

I was browsing online and found a recipe for "risotto mix in a jar" at While not authentic or anything, it did sound like something we'd eat. I bought a package of sundried tomatoes to chop into it.
The only real problem was getting bouillon powder that didn't have MSG (that's an issue for us), but I did find some at Bulk Barn. Anyway, short version, I used up the whole bag of rice (I increased the seasonings to make it work). That filled six sandwich-sized Ziploc bags.
I cooked up one of the packages for dinner (along with fish sticks, corn on the cob, and leftover salad). It made a big bowlful: looks like we're having risotto leftovers tonight.
We also got two packages of "Ancient Field Blend," which we haven't tried yet. One of the suggested recipes for this blend of grains and sprouted lentils is veggie burgers, which you make by cooking up the grains and blending them with squash and a few other ingredients. (Helpful hint when you buy something unfamiliar: see if there's a website with directions or recipes.)
I do have a bag of frozen squash, but I have other plans for that (probably cooking it into puree and then making muffins). But that recipe made me think that this grain blend sounds like it's going to be pretty heavy-duty, maybe more than we typically want as just a carb side dish. And some of those grains might not be the taste-testing favourites around here, though they're undoubtedly nutritious; so disguising them a bit with seasonings would also be a good idea.
And what that made me think of was the Hillbilly Housewife's Taco-Style Lentils and Rice, which was first posted by Miss Maggie, the original HH. We used that recipe quite a bit over the years, such as when vegan relatives came for tortilla night. Anyway, I haven't tried using the ancient-grains blend yet instead of straight-up lentils and rice, but I'm planning on doing a test run soon. If we like it, I'll put some small bags of grain and seasonings together, like the risotto mix, and keep them in the pantry.

Another way to use up a protein-packed grain blend like that might be to cook it as Crockpot Cereal, something I learned from my friend the Deputy Headmistress, a.k.a. Wendi. Again, it's something I think you'd have to experiment with, perhaps adding some kind of sweetener, dried fruit (like cranberries), or other flavouring. I'm not sure how well wild rice would go over at breakfast, but maybe it would be delicious. A test run is probably a good idea.

A third way I think it would be good, especially in the fall, would be using some of the cooked mixture to stuff an acorn squash. (Not with taco seasoning, although that could work too--but maybe with onions and celery, as you would for wild-rice stuffing.)

Well, anyway, we haven't cracked open those packages yet, but I will do that soon and let you know how it goes.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Frugalities, 2024 Style

In the early years, our blog had a lot about cooking, homeschooling, crafting, clothing our family, and generally living life on a tight budget. It feels like this might be a good time to start up some of those posts again.

Part One: Peppers

What actually kicked that off today was a stop at the grocery store, where we were looking for canned soup on sale. Although we often buy store-discounted meat and bakery things, I've never been a big fan of the last-chance vegetable cart, mainly because of the inevitable cloud of fruit flies. But as I walked by it today, I noticed a big bag of red and yellow peppers for two dollars, and, from what I could tell, they all looked pretty solid, not mouldy or black. We had already picked up a bag of "Crunchy Taco" salad mix, to have alongside some chicken, and I thought at least some of the peppers (if there were enough good ones in the bag) would go well with that too.

Actually, all the peppers were just fine, so I chopped them all up. The bowlful on the left is for tonight's dinner, and the two small trays were ready to go into the freezer. (Small trays because we didn't have enough room in the freezer for one big one.)
And here's what we ended up with a couple of hours later: one quite-full medium Ziploc bag full of peppers, for chili or stir-fries or whatever.
So, the point of all that is: never say never when you're looking at the discount stuff.

Part Two: Plums

This little carton of yellow plums wasn't discounted. Plums are coming into season, and they should have been great, but their texture was poor, and the nice sour yellow-plum flavour wasn't there.
Well, if I wasn't going to waste two dollars' worth of peppers, I wasn't going to throw away several dollars' worth of plums, either. I browsed around online, and settled on a really simple recipe: cooking them down with a bit of sugar, spice, and lemon juice. I got rid of the worst ones, cut the rest in half, took out the stones, and put them in a pot with the sugar etc.
Here's what I ended up with: a couple of cups of cooked fruit and syrup. It's not too sweet, which I like. What will we do with it? Maybe have some over ice cream, and then put the rest in a freezer bag. We could eat it fresh, but we have a couple of other things to eat up as well, so this might be better frozen and used later.

Part Three: Pizza

Since we're talking about food anyway, one of our favourite cheap meals is homemade pizza. We make a pound and a half of very basic dough (in the bread machine), divide it in two, stretch the pieces out on a baking sheet, and top with canned sauce, cheese, and anything else we have around, including salami and grilled chicken. We don't have a fiery oven or a fancy pizza stone, just a good baking sheet and 425 degrees for twenty minutes. 

And there are usually enough leftovers for lunch the next day.

So, there's a snapshot of the Treehouse kitchen these days. I hope to post a few more frugalities soon.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Thrifting a Fall Wardrobe, 2024

 Part One

I've tried different ways of writing this post, including using the curmudgeonly rabbit alter ego, but everything has felt like too much overthinking. Here's a final attempt, and I'll try to keep it as simple as possible.

I don't know what the economy is like where you live, or whether you have been seeing the same price hikes we have, even at thrift stores. Some people are refusing even to shop in thrift stores, because they think resellers are taking the "good stuff," or that the thrifting trend has caused prices to rise. Now,  I admit, I have seen my share of nutty, worn-out, overpriced stuff. However, that's not all there is, even at the big chains! Sometimes you have to look, and look again. There is no exact system, no checklist, no magic store--it just comes down to looking at things with an open mind, and avoiding as much pricing nonsense as possible (especially the proliferation of "boutique" racks at stores that aren't up to the challenge). But it does help to start with a plan, which is where the Vivienne Files website comes in. 

The Vivienne Files has been doing a monthly series based on paintings, and one of them is "The Glen" by Canadian-born artist Elizabeth Magill. I started off using the V-F series as a pattern for this fall's clothes. I realized, however, that, while I enjoyed the challenge of paring down to navy-blue-white (and I found some good navy things that I might not have looked for otherwise), I have clothes in other colours that I want to wear as well, and that's just common sense. So this is going to be an "inspired by" rather than a close copying.

That brings us back to questions like, what do you like to wear? What do you have? What will you be doing? How many clothes do you need? Do you want to be creative with outfits, or make them no-brainers because you're busy with other stuff? What's your weather like? September where I live can sometimes be hotter than August (especially in the afternoons), but there's usually a week towards the end of the month when you wake up and know that yep, summer's done.

Part Two: Start with a Scarf, or Two

A midsummer thrift stop netted me two new scarves, for two dollars apiece. Here they are with a cashmere-blend pullover (just saying that feels luxurious), and a vintage silk blouse (ditto).

Read the rest of this post here.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge: It's Summer!

 From this Side of the Pond

1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

"Not an American."

But we did just have Canada Day.
I found some vintage magazines at a yard sale.

And we drove to Stratford, Ontario, for ice cream and river views.

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

Chocolate-chip cookies.

(You did say American, not Canadian.)

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

Some of our great artists.

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song? 

Not sure. OK, how about the 1985 Anne of Green Gables miniseries?

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

Potluck dinner with church friends. And fresh cherry tomatoes to make a pasta salad.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Fun finds from thrift stores and antique markets.  The Japanese (Morimura) sugar bowl was found over two years ago at a local thrift store, and I just found this little vase to keep it company.

Linked from The Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Fashion-Revolution-Worthy Clothes Thrifter

I posted these tips on Instagram in April for Fashion Revolution Week, and I'm sharing them here now too.

Part One:

Monday begins Fashion Revolution Week 2024. I’ve been thinking about how to add my two cents into this year’s FRW, and it seems the most useful advice I can give is about how and why to thrift clothes. Thrift stores have taken a bad rap recently, as in many places their prices have gone up,  for a mixture of reasons. Many reels have been shared of crazy overpriced junk items still wearing dollar-store price tags for less than the thrift store is asking, or of empty supermarket jam jars priced at more than the jar of jam. People are absolutely right to find that offensive. On the other hand, if you’re careful and know what you want, you can pass right by the jam jars and other garbage, and come home with things you like and can use—and that includes clothes. Most of my tips for successful in-store clothes thrifting are not that earth-shattering, but I’ll lay out a half dozen of them  in hopes of restoring a little faith in thrift shops, especially the little non-profits who have been getting their share of the recent shade on this, but who really deserve support. I should add the caveat that most of these tips are for women’s clothes; mileage may vary on men's, children's, and infants' clothes.

1. Try to avoid the clothes equivalent of jam jars and dollar store décor. Instead of complaining that thrift stores overcharge for BigStore cheapest t-shirts, decide right off that you are not there to waste time on those brands (because, certainly, you could go to the BigStore and buy them there if that’s what you want). Since thrift stores tend to price all t-shirts, for example, within a small range, where you are going to get the best bang for your buck is with a slightly better brand. Same price, better quality. I can’t afford new L.L. Bean clothes, but the Bean pieces I have thrifted are almost always keepers.

2. You’ll hear this often: ignore size labels. It’s true, within reason. Sometimes thrift store items have shrunk, sometimes they’ve been shortened or taken in, sometimes you just want a looser fit, or the sizing for a particular company is different than you’d expect. If you can remember to bring along a measuring tape, or you want to learn some of the sizing tricks like wrapping pants waists around your neck (or whatever that is), you can get even better at overlooking the supposed size of something.

3. Watch out for certain bad things that do get past back-room sorters, like broken zippers or peeling faux-leather. While the extremely rich can apparently get away with wearing something practically in rags, the rest of us are probably better off sticking with intact items or at least those that we know how to mend.

4. Shop in places that do a colour-of-the-week, or that have a last-chance bargain rack. You are just as apt to find something you like on the dollar rack as you are in the fancy boutique corner.

5. This sounds too obvious, but if you’re trying to find a print skirt to match a t-shirt, or the other way round, wear the shirt or skirt, or at least bring it along. Store lighting is often strange, and our visual memory can also play tricks on us, so bring something to match and you’ll be less likely to be colour-flummoxed when you get the new item into broad daylight.

6. As @therefashionista taught us, ugly can become cute, too large can be made just right, and good bits can be combined to make new good things. Look for possibilities and potential: dresses can become skirts, shirts can lose their sleeves (or acquire new ones), scarves can become fancy jackets (or can line baskets or wrap gifts).

Those are my tried-and-true tips, but there are always new things to learn. What works for you?

Part Two:

The six clothes-thrifting tips I posted earlier in the week for #fashionrevolutionweek were pretty basic, but they’re enough to get you started. But how to go deeper? It’s not always easy to put what we really do into lists or words, and it’s not even often required. As Edward Espe Brown once wrote about making salad, you mainly have to know which bowl you’re going to use and how much it has to be filled for everybody to have enough. But here we go with some black-belt thrifting strategies, most of which can be used for clothes as well as other things. 

Blackbelt Thrifting Tip Number One: Many of my thrift-store stops are brief, and I’ve learned to look at things FAST.  Doing this means that you have to tune in certain things you want, and ignore the rest. Have a specialty, a favourite, a signature colour or pattern or collectible. This might not be lifelong, and it could change, but at least for this season, keep honing in on a very few visual cues. When I’m looking at a thrift store shelf of books, I ignore the mass-market paperbacks (easy because they have a similar size, shape, look) and zoom in on anything bigger, smaller, older; and you can train your eye to do the same with clothes, shoes, purses. I don’t mean you need encyclopedic knowledge of fashion labels, but more like—knowing what the red-winged blackbird sounds like so that you can pick it out of the other bird calls. If you love pink silk floral scarves, that’s what you watch for on the scarf rack, and ignore all the black and white glittery polyester stripes. The magic of this is, first of all, that it takes a whole lot of other things out of your visual field, narrows your vision, gives you some “astringency”; and, second, that after you’ve bought things this way for awhile, they (not so strangely) tend to work well together.

Blackbelt Thrifting Tip Number Two: A homeschool saying we often hear is that the best book or resource is often whichever one you have on your shelf (or can find in the library), the points of that being that, first of all, whatever you have is probably fine if you just make the most of it, and, second, that you’ve saved the time, energy, and money needed to source something different. This also applies to thrifting clothes, or, more accurately, not-thrifting them. Yes, thrifting is a sustainable choice, but it is not without its costs, including staff and volunteer time, building overhead, and disposal issues (even the good stuff doesn’t always sell). Although I happen to be in thrift stores frequently and enjoy finding clothes there (though, again, I try to practice one in-one out restraint), that’s not going to be the same for everyone, and, to repeat the opening point, the best and most sustainable thing you wear is probably something you already have. Whether it was bought new or thrifted, whether it’s recently made or a sweater you’ve had since college, wear it, take care of it, mend it, launder it responsibly, and (if possible) do a Joseph’s Little Overcoat and turn it into something else useful when its wearing life is done.

Social media posts often list rules for successful thrifting, things you should "always" do to up your game. But as a friend said recently about hockey, what you really need to know is that the puck is supposed to go in the net. In the same way, I've found that most of the "rules" you can lay down about secondhand shopping can be true one time, false the next, though the end goal is the same. "Always shop with a list"--don't go browsing the shirts when you know you need shoes, or so they say. Reality: this may not be the day that there are any good shoes in your size, but you might find a Crockpot instead. "Don't be too specific, though": sometimes I have gone in thinking "purple turtleneck" and that is exactly what I've found. "Always go on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday, early in the morning, late in the evening, etc."--well, we don't go to the same places in the same order on the same day, because, life and weather and other things. Unless you happen to know that a store ONLY puts new things out on Mondays, you're probably better off mixing things up. "The last place you go is always the best"--well, sometimes we go to the flea market, buy something at the first table while the entry-stamp is still wet on our hands, and then don't find anything else for the next two hours. "Buy it now, because it won't be here when you come back"--sometimes yes, sometimes no. If it's not a popular item, the odds are that it might be hanging around for at least a few days more.

About the only rule I can think of that never fails is "be generous." Don't grab things out of other shoppers' carts or otherwise be a thrifting pig. Ask friends or family what they're looking for, and if you see their "unobtanium," send them a snapshot and ask if they want it. Share your good finds with others. And that is how to be a #fashionrevolutionweek thrifter.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Put down your phone, it's the Wednesday Hodgepodge.


From this Side of the Pond
1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? 

Cheese is good! We are not too sophisticated about it here, but I do like getting a bit of real Parmesan to grate over things--it makes me feel like a proper grownup cook.

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken? 

Not fond of it.  Too many bad memories of school pictures.

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

I don't travel frequently, but when I do, I like to go as small as possible. Here's the story I posted last year about flying underseat-only (and why I chose to go that way). 

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying? 

Taking videos of live performances, instead of just watching them. I see these whole rows of phones being held up, and I have to wonder...

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? 

Enjoy the peaches, summer is short.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The year is swishing by. Seems the leaves have just come out on the trees, and before you know it they'll be turning. There's always work to do, but we need to make time in our lives for the sunshine. And that is as random as I'm able to get right now.

Linked from The Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge: Adult Content(ment)

 From this Side of the Pond
1. Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult? At what age did you actually become an adult? 

How do you define "adult?" As in, maybe, a no-turning-back moment?

Probably when I got married (almost 33 years ago), because adulting is not always so much about being able to do it all on your own, as it is about committing to someone else.

2.  What's a favorite item you've bought this year?

I keep coming across fun decorative things at the thrift store and at  flea markets / antique barns we often go to.
But one of the most useful things was this thrifted Pixie Mood convertible backpack.  
Some of the places we shop don't allow backpacks (due to theft and other monkey business), so it's handy to be able to make the backpack part disappear as needed.
Do you see a backpack? I don't see a backpack, I just see a purse.

3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours? When was the last time you had a hamburger? Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger? 

We have hamburgers fairly often, both homemade and fast-food-with-a-coupon. They're not my favourite thing in the world, but I will eat them without complaint as long as they're not all sloppy with toppings.

4.  How have your priorities changed over time? 

I don't even know how to answer that one, so I guess the question isn't a priority.

5. What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to? 

A Christian women's retreat at a nearby church. Oh, and our wedding anniversary. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

On the Rabbit Room website, Lara d'Entremont wrote an article called "Who Defines Beauty?" She recalls the first house she and her husband lived in, which was in an isolated place and so beyond-ugly inside that she found herself constantly scrolling through photos of nicer houses and wishing they were somewhere else. She was, apparently, oblivious to the beauty right around them: a marvelous, astounding outdoor panorama, which she describes in the article. And, even more so: I was reading recently about the English/Canadian artist Arthur Lismer, who noticed at one point that his fellow artists often "stepped right over the foreground"--they liked to paint the faraway vistas, but didn't notice things that were right in front of them. So: we need curiosity, and we need contentment. 

And commitment.

And convertibility.

And, when possible, coupons.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Recording the Wednesday Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. What are you currently juggling in your life?

I don't know that I'm juggling too much right now, at least not compared to some other people I know. Other kinds of circus stunts might seem more appropriate.

2. How often do you buy new clothes? What was the last piece of clothing you purchased?

New as in brand new, or new as in thrifted? Actual clothing or accessories? We are in and out of thrift stores at least once a week, so I have opportunities to buy things there. How often I actually buy anything depends on the season and what I need, though I like surprises too.

The last clothes-related thing I bought was today: a vintage scarf, which will go well with other summer things.

3. What food festival would you most like to attend? 

I can't think of a lot of primarily-food festivals I've ever been to or would want to spend all day at. The Elmira, Ontario Maple Syrup Festival, a couple of times, that's probably it. Maybe you have to be a certain kind of person to gravitate towards rib fests and garlic bonanzas.

4. May is the 5th month of the year. Tell us something you remember about your 5th grade year. 

Fifth grade? Learning to play the recorder in music class (we were so relieved not to have to sing for once); and, I think, crochet in an after-school class one of the teachers led. I still like to crochet, but I haven't played the recorder in years.

5. What are your favorite five words right now? 

Green, because things are. 

Warm, because it is.

Art, because that's mostly what I'm reading about. (Pottery dish bought at a yard sale last weekend)

"On sale," and yes, that's two words.

6. Random thoughts?

I think that's random enough already.

Linked from The Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Imagined Becomes Real: Riffing on a Vivienne Files Wardrobe

In a pair of posts (here and here), The Vivienne Files has come up with another example of a small, classic, neutral summer wardrobe, which can then be perked up by half a dozen bright additions.

The thirteen core pieces are a balance of navy and white. They are mainly casual (I think of shorts as casual), and the dress is hacked from a swimsuit coverup, but there is also a  more expensive sleeveless top for dressier occasions (I assume to be worn with navy pants, although it's hinted that it would also look good with a skirt).

The accent pieces take their colours from a Mark Rothko painting in shades of red and pink. There is an eye-popping set of bright pink linen shirt and pants, plus a pink dress and a couple of tops. 

This isn't too far from the spring/summer wardrobe I already posted here. But if I wanted to create a closer match to the VF wardrobe, say for a trip, how would I do it? Particularly considering that I gave away a large bag of clothes that had seen a few too many better days, so there are fewer things to work with. On the other hand, I just bought a pair of white jeans, and also thrifted a summer top that would work well. So let's do this.

The closest thing I have to a fancy sleeveless top is a fancy sleeveless dress, so that checks off both those boxes. Note to self: make sure the dress in Part 2 is more casual.

Bonus dress, neutral and linen though not navy.

Navy shorts and navy pants: yes, I have those. (I also have an extra pair of dark blue shorts, so that's enough for me--I don't wear shorts much.)

White shorts: substituting white jeans. (And goes without saying: a pair of blue jeans.)

Two navy tops: I have one navy top with same-colour embroidery, and I just thrifted a navy and grey top with some texture.

A pinstriped navy linen shirt: I do have a blue and white striped shirt, not as dark but I think it would work.

White summer cardigan: On this one I might have to split between a white linen pullover (which would work some of the time but not with everything), a navy linen-blend pullover (ditto), and a jean jacket which is okay on cooler days but isn't something you're going to want to wear wandering around the beach town in July, right? Note to self: keep this in mind at the thrift store.

White sleeveless blouse: I'm substituting a white t-shirt.

Striped casual top: Striped t-shirt.

Two accent-colour tops or blouses: Since I haven't completely decided which direction I'm going with Part Two (pink? blue? green?), I'm going to play it safe with a blue t-shirt and a magenta one. Note to self: that magenta t-shirt is not in the best shape, so I either need to thrift a replacement, or choose something else I already have. (Bonus points for this scarf that blends with most of the upcoming colours.)

Navy crossbody purse and sandals: I do have navy sandals, and a large navy purse. But I would also include my white (technically Coconut Cream) Pixie Mood purse. And a hat as suggested.

Navy espadrilles and white sneakers: Loafers with bows, and a pair of sneakers.

Navy and white scarf: I don't seem to have anything summer-appropriate in just those colours; I might have to either thrift something or just go with a brighter scarf (see the t-shirt photo above).

Earrings: something navy, something pink. What else would look good? Silver hoops, for sure.

Accent Pieces, Version One

Let's assume we're going with the pinks and reds of the VF plan. Well, I for sure don't have a hot pink linen shirt and pants. But I do have a vintage rayon blouse and skirt set with pink and purple stripes, so that's close.

What about a more everyday outfit? I have a white linen shirt (which offers another option for that white cardigan I don't own). I also have a pair of navy embroidered pants that go with the top from Part 1.

 Some more brightness: last year I thrifted a FIG Voyage dress in pink and red stripes. 

That leaves two tops, but I already added the white shirt, so let's go with one. If I wanted to keep going with pink, I would include this floral sleeveless top--it's a bit dressy for everyday, but sometimes that's what you want.

Two more pairs of shoes: the VF plan suggests pink and gold sandals, but I'm going to go casual with red pull-on sneakers and dark blue lace-ups.

Another scarf: again, I'm trying to pick out something that might be worn in the summer. Instead of going for something small, though, the best option I have is this large but lightweight scarf that includes navy, pink and white (among other things). It could even work as a wrap with a sleeveless dress.

Another pair of earrings (or other jewelry): Although I love scarves, in summertime I'm more likely to dress things up with necklaces.

The VF plan doesn't add any other bags at this point, but I probably would.

Accent Pieces, Version Two

If I weren't trying to duplicate the VF pink and red theme, I could easily go with blues and greens. I have a green t-shirt dress, a couple of green tops, a purse with green sea turtles on it, and a set of Fierce Lynx bracelets in teal and white. You've seen all those things here before, but here's a photo.

Plus a scarf. (Flea market find last week.)
And all that's pretty much what I was going to wear this summer anyway--it's just a different way to think it through.  I'm going to keep my eyes open for a replacement t-shirt (shouldn't be hard), and a white cardigan or small jacket that could be worn with a dress. Otherwise, we're good to go!