Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Three-Dollar Thrifting

One of the thrift stores near us has a dollar rack, for things on their last week in the store. This morning I found a pair of black jeans there, just my size and definitely a Good Thing because I was thinking at least one of my current pairs of jeans would soon need replacing.
And that seemed to be it for that trip; even Mr. Fixit didn't find anything he could use. On my way to check out, I thought I heard a little over-here voice from the scarf rack. I didn't see anything interesting at first; then it popped out at me: a great big lightweight scarf/shawl, in an entire garden of colours, for two dollars.
The world of thrift can be an amazing place sometimes. Little voices and all.


Terra said...

I like both your bargains and they are things that suit my style too.

Mama Squirrel said...

Thanks, Terra!